Best Vintage Photos of Bonnie and Clyde

Vintage photos of Bonnie and Clyde

You probably heard a lot of stories about Bonnie and Clyde being a famous outlaws duo in the Old West. Like Clyde’s first arrest was when he did not return a rental car and loaded it with a lot of stolen turkeys. We went back in time to check some vintage photos of Bonnie and … Read more

AMAZING Old West Wisdoms That will Help You Even Today

Old wisdom is never really old. At all times, we can apply it to our lives. There is a lot of amazing wisdom The Old West can share with us and they really helpful for everyone. Let’s go through some of the amazing wisdom of the Old West and let us see how useful it … Read more

Did Abraham Lincoln Predict His Death?

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Just a few days before the end of the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln gave his second inaugural address in the bustling crowds outside the White House. But an actor, John Wilkes Booth, was also among those people and would utter these words, “That’s the last speech Lincoln would ever give.” Then 44 days later, Lincoln’s … Read more

Amazing Photos from American Civil War Colorized

Best Historical Photos from American Civil War Colorized

So, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the Civil War was the deadliest battle in American history, totaling 620,000 deaths, and wiping out an entire generation of men. The emotions of triumph, longing, and camaraderie would be invoked. As we go on a sentimental trip down memory lane thru these Civil War photos brought to … Read more

The Beauties that Fearlessly faced the Wild West

The Beauties that Fearlessly faced the Wild West

In the time when women were confined inside their homes, some of them still earned their spot in a man’s world, the Western Frontier. So, Big Nose Kate, despite her bleak future as an orphan. Still worked her way up from being a soiled dove to a famous Madam. Thus, just like her, we’ve also … Read more

Rarest Dalton Gang Photos Colorized & Stories Behind

Rarest Dalton Gang Photos Colorized & Stories Behind

Alila, Whorton, Lelietta, Red Rock, and Adair train robbery, then eventually, the ill-fated failed Coffeyville bank robbery, would generally be the start and the end of the infamous Dalton Gang. And this photo showed the tragic demise of their four members. But, if you look closely, there’s something that was quite strange in this photo, … Read more

The Wild West Heroine, Calamity Jane

Calamity Jane

During the long-running conflict between the settlers and natives, a troop was ambushed. It was complete mayhem and a display of violence. Then, suddenly the Captain was mortally wounded and fell from his horse. Amidst the chaos, a woman had bravely charged in the middle of the skirmish. Grabbing the wounded man, then, what happened … Read more