The Greatest Madams of the Wild West

Saloon Women1892 1 | <strong>The Greatest Madams of the Wild West</strong>

Madams of the Old West has so many interesting stories like Madam Mustache has great card playing skills that made her the greatest Madame. Though she has good fortune, her ending was a sad story to tell.   Madam Josie Washburn  Jobs were too limited especially for women back in the old west. Josie Washburn … Read more

The Untold Story of the Old West Heroine, Calamity Jane.

jane colorized | The Untold Story of the Old West Heroine, Calamity Jane.

Martha Jane Cannary A.K.A “Calamity Jane” was just a kid when her parents decided they need to move to another place in the hope to improve their life. However fate was not in their favor of them, her mother died while they were traveling. Luckily his father got a decent job. Jane’s family persevered even … Read more

The Beauties that Fearlessly faced the Wild West

The Beauties that Fearlessly faced the Wild West

In the time when women were confined inside their homes, some of them still earned their spot in a man’s world, the Western Frontier. So, Big Nose Kate, despite her bleak future as an orphan. Still worked her way up from being a soiled dove to a famous Madam. Thus, just like her, we’ve also … Read more