Johnny Ringo Never Got Into A Gunfight?

ringo feature.jpg.optimal | Johnny Ringo Never Got Into A Gunfight?

Johnny Ringo was famously known as a sharpshooter and also for his countless murders. But the truth is, Johnny Ringo has never been into a gunfight. At the age of 14, Johnny Ringo started to train himself to hold pistols and riffles. He made sure that he never commit the same accident that his father … Read more

The Untold Story of the Old West Heroine, Calamity Jane.

jane colorized | The Untold Story of the Old West Heroine, Calamity Jane.

Martha Jane Cannary A.K.A “Calamity Jane” was just a kid when her parents decided they need to move to another place in the hope to improve their life. However fate was not in their favor of them, her mother died while they were traveling. Luckily his father got a decent job. Jane’s family persevered even … Read more

The Wild West Heroine, Calamity Jane

Calamity Jane

During the long-running conflict between the settlers and natives, a troop was ambushed. It was complete mayhem and a display of violence. Then, suddenly the Captain was mortally wounded and fell from his horse. Amidst the chaos, a woman had bravely charged in the middle of the skirmish. Grabbing the wounded man, then, what happened … Read more