Old wisdom is never really old. At all times, we can apply it to our lives. There is a lot of amazing wisdom The Old West can share with us and they really helpful for everyone. Let’s go through some of the amazing wisdom of the Old West and let us see how useful it can be for our everyday lives.

“Always be thankful for the food on the table“
I guess, in all places and families, this wisdom is very important. It doesn’t matter if the food really looks delicious or if it looks disgusting. Not every day do people get lucky to have food on their table. Like in The Old West, if you are wondering why there are many bandits and outlaws? It is because they would risk dying and have food than not do anything at all for their families.

“Speak your mind, but ride a fast horse“
This means that you have the liberty to say what you want to anyone. Well if that is something offensive, one must know what is next and be able to run away fast.

“Never slap a man who’s chewing tobacco“
Most people in the Old West who chews tobacco are known to be fearless or someone with a high rank in society. That means you should never make them angry or you will get into real trouble.

“Do not hire someone you drink with“
Like any other business should be, keep your relationship on a business level. Personal matters should never be associated with your business.

“If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is to stop digging“
If you found yourself in a bad situation, then stop doing what leads you to it or things will just get worse.

“The best sermons were lived, not preached”
Like what we always say “practice what you preach” If everyone sees that you are doing it, then eventually the message is easy to convey.
“Every man is entitled to scratch his own itch“
This talks about being accountable for your own actions. If you got yourself into trouble, you should know how to pull yourself out of a bad situation.

“Never miss a chance to shut up”
It is always better to remain silent than tell a lot of things that you really do not know about. Not unless someone wants you to speak up of course!
“Don’t squat with your spurs on”
If you haven’t been able to think about what you are doing, then don’t do it or you might just end up hurting yourself.
“You can’t unsay a cruel thing”
Yes, sorry is a thing we can say after we said or made a mistake. But it can never really undo what has been said or done.
Did you know that Levi Boone Helm was known as a typical frontier man? Because of the poor living, it is not new for Old West people to be vicious and short-tempered at most times. Helm has been confined in an Asylum and was being avoided by many people. Though there are still some people who believed him, like the miners. Helms pretended as a skilled guide and bring the miners to the gold mines they were looking for. It was too sad that none of them was left alive, they were killed by some cannibal. Helm also was able to frame his Outlaw cohorts for the crimes he did. So this tells us that we forgot this Old West Wisdom. “Never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear, or a fool from any direction” In short, you better not associate yourself with someone that would cause you trouble, always.